Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels

Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels - Data Portal

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Breeding site details

Antipodes Island

Procellaria cinerea (Grey petrel) (profile)

Island Group Antipodes Islands
Jurisdiction New Zealand
Position 49° 42' S      178° 47' E
Breeding Area 240,000 hectares
Current Population 60147 in 2010
Count method: eggs in subsample
Latest Trend unknown
Associated Taxa Diomedea antipodensis (profile)       site details
Macronectes halli (profile)       site details
Phoebetria palpebrata (profile)       site details
Procellaria aequinoctialis (profile)       site details

Other breeding sites for Procellaria cinerea (Grey petrel)

Jurisdiction Island Group Breeding site name Distance
France Amsterdam and St Paul Amsterdam, Falaise d'Entrecasteaux 7,606 236
New Zealand Antipodes Islands Bollons Island 10 303
New Zealand Campbell Islands Campbell Island 742 241
New Zealand Campbell Islands Dent Island 747 242
New Zealand Campbell Islands Jacquemart Island 746 241
France Crozet Ile de l'Est 8,157 215
France Crozet Ile de la Possession 8,175 215
United Kingdom Gough Gough Island 9,970 173
France Kerguelen Ile Saint Lanne Gramont 7,161 223
France Kerguelen Kerguelen (Grande Terre), Golfe du Morbihan 7,076 223
France Kerguelen Kerguelen (Grande Terre), Jeanne d'Arc Peninsula 7,137 223
France Kerguelen Kerguelen (Grande Terre), Joffre Peninsula 7,130 223
Australia Macquarie Island Macquarie Island 1,459 240
South Africa Prince Edward Islands Marion Island 8,639 206
South Africa Prince Edward Islands Prince Edward Island, Prince Edward Island 8,659 206
United Kingdom Tristan da Cunha Tristan da Cunha 10,301 171