Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels

Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels - Data Portal

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Breeding site details

The Forty-fours

Diomedea sanfordi (Northern royal albatross) (profile)

Associated Taxa Macronectes halli (profile)       site details
Thalassarche bulleri (profile)       site details
Thalassarche salvini (profile)       site details
Thalassarche steadi (profile)       site details

Other breeding sites for Diomedea sanfordi (Northern royal albatross)

Jurisdiction Island Group Breeding site name Distance
New Zealand Auckland Islands Enderby Island 1,022 221
New Zealand Chatham Island The Big Sister 592 88
New Zealand Chatham Island The Little (Middle) Sister 592 88
New Zealand New Zealand South Island, Taiaroa Head 450 242