Breeding site details
Ile des Pingouins
Thalassarche melanophris (Black-browed albatross) (profile)
Island Group | Crozet |
Jurisdiction | France |
Position | 46° 25' S 50° 25' E |
Breeding Area | Unknown |
Current Population |
108 in 2016 Count method: aerial Latest Trend unknown |
Associated Taxa |
Macronectes halli (profile)
site details Macronectes giganteus (profile) site details Phoebetria palpebrata (profile) site details Phoebetria fusca (profile) site details Procellaria aequinoctialis (profile) site details Thalassarche carteri (profile) site details Thalassarche chrysostoma (profile) site details Thalassarche salvini (profile) site details |
Other breeding sites for Thalassarche melanophris (Black-browed albatross)
Jurisdiction | Island Group | Breeding site name |
Distance (km) |
Bearing (deg) |
New Zealand | Antipodes Islands | Bollons Island | 8,228 | 148 |
New Zealand | Campbell Islands | Campbell Island | 7,569 | 145 |
France | Crozet | Ile de l'Est | 134 | 91 |
France | Crozet | Ile des Apotres | 50 | 3 |
Chile | Diego de Almagro | Isla Diego de Almagro | 7,955 | 212 |
Disputed | Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) | Beauchene Island | 7,120 | 219 |
Disputed | Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) | Bird Island (Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)), Bird Island (Falklands/Malvinas) | 7,258 | 219 |
Disputed | Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) | Elephant Jason | 7,335 | 220 |
Disputed | Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) | Grand Jason | 7,355 | 220 |
Disputed | Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) | Keppel Island | 7,279 | 220 |
Disputed | Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) | New Island | 7,312 | 219 |
Disputed | Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) | North, North Island | 7,314 | 219 |
Disputed | Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) | Saunders Island | 7,284 | 220 |
Disputed | Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) | South Jason & islet | 7,332 | 220 |
Disputed | Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) | Steeple Jason | 7,362 | 220 |
Disputed | Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) | West Falkland, Grave Cove, Dunbar | 7,231 | 219 |
Disputed | Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) | West Point Island | 7,312 | 220 |
Australia | Heard and McDonald Islands | Heard Island | 1,795 | 122 |
Australia | Heard and McDonald Islands | McDonald Island | 1,747 | 123 |
Chile | Islas Diego Ramirez | Bartolome Island, Isla Bartolome | 7,254 | 212 |
Chile | Islas Diego Ramirez | Gonzalo Island, Isla Gonzalo | 7,252 | 212 |
Chile | Islas Diego Ramirez | Islote Ester | 7,252 | 212 |
Chile | Islas Diego Ramirez | Islote Martinez | 7,255 | 212 |
Chile | Islas Diego Ramirez | Islote Mendoza | 7,255 | 212 |
Chile | Islas Diego Ramirez | Islote Norte (Diego Ramirez) | 7,255 | 212 |
Chile | Islas Diego Ramirez | Islote Santander | 7,254 | 212 |
Chile | Islas Diego Ramirez | Islote Schlatter | 7,255 | 212 |
Chile | Islas Ildefonso | Isla Cinclodes | 7,339 | 212 |
Chile | Islas Ildefonso | Isla Grande | 7,350 | 212 |
Chile | Islas Ildefonso | Isla Norte | 7,434 | 213 |
Chile | Islas Ildefonso | Isla Spirit | 7,341 | 212 |
Chile | Islas Ildefonso | Isla Square | 7,350 | 212 |
Chile | Islas Ildefonso | Isla Sur | 7,338 | 212 |
Chile | Islote Albatros | Albatross Islet, Islote Albatros | 7,439 | 213 |
Chile | Islote Leonard | Islote Leonard | 7,739 | 212 |
Chile | Islotes Evangelistas | Islote Elcano | 7,869 | 212 |
Chile | Islotes Evangelistas | Islote Lobos | 7,869 | 212 |
Chile | Islotes Evangelistas | Islote Pan de Azucar, Islote Pan de Azúcar | 7,868 | 212 |
France | Kerguelen | Ile de Croy | 1,388 | 107 |
France | Kerguelen | Kerguelen (Grande Terre), Jeanne d'Arc Peninsula | 1,496 | 111 |
France | Kerguelen | Kerguelen (Grande Terre), Loranchet Peninsula | 1,414 | 107 |
Australia | Macquarie Island | Bishop and Clerk Islets (MQ) | 6,887 | 142 |
Australia | Macquarie Island | Macquarie Island | 6,931 | 142 |
Disputed | South Georgia (Islas Georgias del Sur) | Annenkov Island | 5,850 | 227 |
Disputed | South Georgia (Islas Georgias del Sur) | Bird Island (SGSSI (IGSISS)) | 5,932 | 227 |
Disputed | South Georgia (Islas Georgias del Sur) | Clerke Rocks | 5,688 | 227 |
Disputed | South Georgia (Islas Georgias del Sur) | Cooper Island | 5,760 | 227 |
Disputed | South Georgia (Islas Georgias del Sur) | Green Island | 5,774 | 227 |
Disputed | South Georgia (Islas Georgias del Sur) | Low Rock Point Island , Low Rock Point Island | 5,922 | 227 |
Disputed | South Georgia (Islas Georgias del Sur) | Main Island, Willis Islands, Main Island | 5,941 | 227 |
Disputed | South Georgia (Islas Georgias del Sur) | South Georgia, Cape Buller | 5,895 | 227 |
Disputed | South Georgia (Islas Georgias del Sur) | South Georgia, Cape Crewe | 5,879 | 227 |
Disputed | South Georgia (Islas Georgias del Sur) | South Georgia, Cape North | 5,915 | 227 |
Disputed | South Georgia (Islas Georgias del Sur) | South Georgia, Cape Nunez | 5,846 | 227 |
Disputed | South Georgia (Islas Georgias del Sur) | South Georgia, Cape Wilson | 5,881 | 227 |
Disputed | South Georgia (Islas Georgias del Sur) | South Georgia, Klutschak Point | 5,898 | 227 |
Disputed | South Georgia (Islas Georgias del Sur) | South Georgia, Paryadin Peninsula north | 5,928 | 227 |
Disputed | South Georgia (Islas Georgias del Sur) | South Georgia, Paryadin Peninsula south | 5,926 | 227 |
Disputed | South Georgia (Islas Georgias del Sur) | South Georgia, Rumbolds Point | 5,768 | 227 |
Disputed | South Georgia (Islas Georgias del Sur) | South Georgia, Sheathbill Bay | 5,898 | 227 |
Disputed | South Georgia (Islas Georgias del Sur) | South Georgia, Sitka Bay | 5,897 | 227 |
Disputed | South Georgia (Islas Georgias del Sur) | South Georgia, Sorn & Bernt coast | 5,924 | 227 |
Disputed | South Georgia (Islas Georgias del Sur) | Trinity Island, Willis Islands, Trinity Island | 5,939 | 227 |
Disputed | South Georgia (Islas Georgias del Sur) | Welcome Islands , Welcome Islands | 5,903 | 227 |