Waved albatross
Phoebastria irrorata (Salvin, 1883) Albatros des Galapagos Albatros de las Galápagos/ Albatros Ondulado Updated on 16-Aug-2008 |
Critically Endangered | Endangered | Vulnerable | Near Threatened | Least Concern | Not Listed |
Sometimes referred to as Galapagos albatross
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Any signifies a link showing the relevant reference.
Order Procellariiformes Family Diomedeidae Genus Phoebastria Species P. irrorata
Originally described as Diomedea irrorata (Salvin 1883), the species was transferred from Diomedea to Phoebastria along with three other species of North Pacific albatross by Nunn et al. (1996) [1 ].
Conservation Listings and Plans
• Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels – Annex 1 [2 ]
• 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species – Critically Endangered (since 2007) [3 ]
• Convention on Migratory Species - Listed Species (Appendix II, as Diomedea irrorata) [4 ]
• Action Plan for Waved Albatross Phoebastria irrorata 2008 [5 ]
Domestic – Ecuador
• Texto Unificado de la Legislación Secundaria del Ministerio del ambiente: Libro IV De La Biodiversidad – Endangered (Annex 1, as Diomedea irrorata) [6 ]
Domestic – Perú
• Categorization of Threatened Wildlife Species - Vulnerable (Decreto Supremo Nº 034-2004-AG) [7 ]

Table 1. Breeding cycle P. irrorata.
At colonies
Egg laying
Chick provisioning
Table 2. Distribution of the global P. irrorata population among Parties to the Agreement that have jurisdiction over the breeding sites of ACAP listed species.
New Zealand
South Africa
United Kingdom
Breeding pairs
Virtually the entire breeding population nests on Isla Española (Hood Island), Galápagos Islands, Ecuador, in the southern half of the island. Irregular observations suggest that less than 1% breeds on Isla de La Plata, Ecuador (Figure1) [9 ]. At least one egg has been laid on Isla Genovesa, Galápagos, in 2006, but did not hatch (M. Prieto, pers. comm.). The breeding population size on Española is poorly known, estimated most recently as 9,607 pairs in 2001, with an additional 5,495 breeding adults not nesting in 2001, and an unknown number of breeding-capable adults that nonetheless bred in neither year [9
]. The breeding population on Isla de La Plata apparently numbers less than 10 pairs, and may often be 0 [9, 10
]. The total adult population in 2001 on Española (including adults not present that year) was estimated as 31,818-34,694, with up to 30 birds (but typically <10) present on Isla de La Plata (M. Prieto, pers. comm.), and up to 11 adults (but typically 0) on Isla Genovesa [9
Table 3. Monitoring methods and estimates of the population size (annual breeding pairs) for each breeding site. Table based on D. Anderson unpublished data and Anderson et al. 2002[9 ].
Breeding site location
Annual breeding pairs (last census)
Isla Española
1°20’ S, 89° 40’ W
1970-1971, 1994, 2001, 2007
A 1
Low 2
Isla Genovesa
0o 20’ N, 89o 58’ W
Irregularly 3
A, B, C
Isla de La Plata
1o 16’ S, 81o 06’ W
1975-1990, irregularly 4
A, B, C
Breeding site name | Jurisdiction | Latitude | Longitude | Size of breeding site (hectares) |
Isla de La Plata, Isla de La Plata | Ecuador | 1° 16' 00" S | 81° 04' 00" W | 1,214 |
Isla Espanola, Isla Espanola | Ecuador | 1° 22' 30" S | 89° 40' 30" W | 6,048 |
Isla Genovesa, Isla Genovesa | Ecuador | 0° 19' 40" N | 89° 57' 20" W | 1,411 |

Conservation Listings and Plans for the Breeding Sites
Isla Española and Isla Genovesa (and surrounding waters)
• UNESCO World Heritage Site (inscribed in 1978, extended 2001) [17 ]
• UNESCO World Heritage in Danger List – 2007 [18 ]
Domestic - Ecuador
Isla Española and Isla Genovesa
• Ley Especial de la Provincia de Galápagos/ Libro VII - Del Régimen Especial: Galápagos [19 ]
• Galápagos National Park
• Galápagos Marine Reserve (IUCN Category IV)
• Galápagos National Park Management Plan 2006 [20 ]
− zona de Protección Absoluta de Ecosistemas
Isla de La Plata
• Machalilla National Park (IUCN Category Ib)
Table 4. Summary of population trend data for P. irrorata. Table based on Anderson et al. 2008 [21 ] and unpublished D. Anderson data.
Breeding site
Current Monitoring
Trend Years
% average change per year
Isla Española
1970-1971, 1994, 2001, 2007
Decreasing* [21
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Isla Genovesa
Increasing from unoccupied to occasional presence of <11 adults
Isla de La Plata
1975-1990, irregularly

Breeding success and survival rates have not been investigated for the extremely small populations at La Plata and Genovesa.

Breeding site
Mean adult survival
Isla Española
22.9% (± 9.6%, 2000-2004)
No data
85.9% (ENSO, 2002-2003)
92.1 - 93.0% (non-ENSO, 1999-2001, 2004-2006)
Isla de La Plata
No data
No data
No data
Isla Genovesa
No data
No data
No data
Few threats exist at any of the breeding sites of P. irrorata (Table 6) and all sites are legally protected.
Table 6. Summary of known threats at the breeding sites of P. irrorata. Table based on unpublished D. Anderson data.
Breeding site
Human disturbance
Human take
Natural disaster
Parasite or Pathogen
Habitat loss or degradation
Predation by alien species
Isla Española
No a
No b
No c
Isla Genovesa
Isla de La Plata
a Some human take occurs.
b Increased abundance of mosquitoes, Aedes taeniorhynchus, during warm ENSO years with heavy rainfall produces distress in the birds and results in mass abandonment of eggs [22, 23 ].

Nature of threat | Threat sub-category | Severity of threat | Scope of threat | Breeding site name | Threat species |
Human disturbance | Recreation/tourism | High | Medium | Isla de La Plata | |
Human disturbance | Recreation/tourism | None | None | Isla Espanola | |
Human disturbance | Recreation/tourism | None | None | Isla Espanola | |
Human disturbance | Recreation/tourism | None | None | Isla Espanola | |
Human disturbance | Recreation/tourism | High | High | Isla de La Plata | |
Human disturbance | Recreation/tourism | High | High | Isla de La Plata | |
Human disturbance | Recreation/tourism | None | None | Isla Espanola | |
Parasite or pathogen | Parasite | None | Medium | Isla Espanola | |
Parasite or pathogen | Parasite | Low | Low | Isla Espanola | |
Parasite or pathogen | Parasite | Low | Low | Isla Espanola | |
Parasite or pathogen | Parasite | Low | Low | Isla Espanola | |
Parasite or pathogen | Parasite | Low | Low | Isla Espanola | |
Parasite or pathogen | Parasite | High | High | Isla de La Plata | Avian Influenza |
Parasite or pathogen | Pathogen | None | None | Isla Espanola | Avian Influenza |
Parasite or pathogen | Pathogen | None | None | Isla Espanola | Avian Influenza |
Stress by alien species | Nest desertion | High | High | Isla de La Plata | Rattus rattus |
Stress by alien species | Nest desertion | High | High | Isla de La Plata | Rattus rattus |
Stress by alien species | Nest desertion | High | High | Isla de La Plata |

Phoebastria irrorata fly mostly during the day in Galápagos waters and rest on the water at night, which may or may not reflect on the timing of foraging activity [13 ].
No data are available from subadults or non-breeders, and there are no studies from Genovesa or La Plata.
Satellite tracking provided distribution data for breeders from the Punta Cevallos, Española colony during the incubation periods of 1995, 1996, 2000 and 2001, the brooding periods of 1996 and 2001, and the rearing period of 1996 (summarized in Anderson et al. 2003 [12 ]). GPS tracking provided data from breeding birds during the brooding periods of 2003 [13
] and 2004 (J. Awkerman unpub.) and non-breeding birds during the 2004 breeding season [26
]. These data show a repeatable pattern of distribution, with breeders commuting to the Peruvian continental shelf and shelf break on most trips during the incubation and chick-rearing periods, and remaining near Española during the brooding period, in the south-eastern quadrant of the Galápagos Archipelago. These results are consistent with sea-based observations between 1881 and 1995 which showed the same distribution [16
] and with band recoveries in fisheries operations over the Peruvian continental shelf [26
]. Absences of non-breeders during the breeding period suggests that they alternate trips to the Peruvian continental shelf with periods spent close to the colony (J. Awkerman unpub.).

Satellite-tracking data indicate that the P. irrorata breeding and foraging range overlaps with only one Regional Fisheries Management Organisation known to be particularly important to albatross and petrel conservation, the IATTC (Figure 1). The species also overlaps with the soon to be established South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation (SPRFMO) that would cover both pelagic and demersal fisheries in the region (predominantly discrete high seas stocks and those stocks which straddle the high seas and the EEZs of coastal states). Ecuador and Perú are the principal Range States for P. irrorata (Table 7).
Frequency of occurrence in region | |||
Resident/ Breeding and feeding range | Foraging range only | Few records - outside core foraging range | |
Known ACAP Range States | Ecuador | Peru | |
Regional Fisheries Management Organisations | IATTC SPRFMO | ||
Exclusive Economic Zones of non-ACAP countries | Columbia |
IATTC - Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission
SPRFMO - South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation
Artisanal fishing fleets catch significant numbers of birds, perhaps accidentally in some cases [12 ] and certainly intentionally in others ([26
]; D. J. Anderson pers. comm. with fishers), and this mortality has been implicated in the recent decline in annual adult survival [21
]. Matrix modelling of available data on vital rates indicate a declining population at Punta Cevallos, Española [21
], and low quality data on population size for Española are consistent with a decline since 1994 [21
]. Long-line fishing is currently banned within the Galápagos Marine Reserve (GMR), but fishery mortality has been reported nonetheless when P. irrorata target single baited hooks in the legal artisanal tuna fishery within the GMR [12

Key Gaps in Species Assessment
The interaction of albatrosses with the artisanal fishery off the Peruvian and southern Ecuadorian coastsrequires on-site observation and experimental study in relation to the recently documented take in that fishery and ought to be of highest priority [5 ]. One topic of special interest should be the apparently higher risk of males to fishery mortality [26
], which may be involved in the present female bias in adult sex ratio [29
], a bias which has implications for population growth in this species with bi-parental care [21

[1] Nunn, G.B., Cooper, J., Jouventin, P., Robertson, C.J.R., and Robertson, G.G. 1996. Evolutionary relationships among extant albatrosses (Procellariiformes: Diomedeidae) established from complete cytochrome-b gene sequences. Auk. 113(4): p. 784-801.[2] Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels http://www.acap.aq.
[3] BirdLife International. 2008. Phoebastria irrorata. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. . Available from: http://www.birdlife.org.
[4] Bonn Convention (Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals). http://www.cms.int/.
[5] Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrossses and Peterels. 2008. Draft Action Plan for Waved Albatross Phoebastria irrorata.
Dave Anderson
Department of Biology
Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels. 2008. Species assessments: Waved albatross. Downloaded from http://www.acap.aq on (date).